What is the concept of GardenER?
The idea is to connect people that garden, either professionally or as a hobby, as well as linking garden owners to nurseries and landscapers.
By doing this, the aim is to :
- create ways for people to be more proactive in visiting their local nurseries, either in person or online.
- open up communications between the people and the industry, especially on social platforms such as WhatsApp.
- educate and provide regular training for both staff and members of the public, to keep up-to-date with the industry and receive professional advice.
- establish relationships between the public, nurseries and landscapers.
GardenER, be proud to be a gardener and to offer GardenER.
Associate with the public and landscapers to be informative.
Respect our environment and our gardens diverse needs. This includes respecting valuable resources such as water and other people to build on the industry.
Dignity to become the best you can be in your field of expertise, by spreading the right knowledge that will benefit everyone.
Excellence, advice and design gain meaning only when they represent the needs, dreams and goals of those who will benefit or use them. Offer the best at all times.
Nurse and care for the gardens you are entrusted to or have created, by keeping them healthy and sustainable.
ERÂ Emergency Room, which we never want our plants to be in. Healthy gardens are better equipped to look after themselves.
This is created not with the idea of financial gain but rather to encourage and support one another in the industry and to keep gardening alive in South Africa.